Frequently Asked Questions

All the questions you need answers to, further down this page are FAQs on our range of IVF plans

if your question is not here, call us on 0333 234 0895 (local rate) or send us an email

What is Assured Fertility?

Assured Fertility partners with top leading fertility clinics in the UK to offer fertility plans with refunds, all at discounted rates.

We have a range of plans to suit all, covering IVF, ICSI & Egg Freezing.

How do I get started?

As soon as you wish to go ahead, call us today to get started with your chosen plan.

Do your plans have an age limit?

For any of our Multi Cycle plans, the age limit it is 44 or below

For our 100% Refund Plan using own eggs it is 37 or below

For our 100% Egg Donation Refund plan it is 49 or below

For our Egg Freezing Refund plan it is 36 or below

What is IVF?

During the In vitro fertilisation (IVF) technique, an egg(s) is removed from the woman’s ovaries and fertilised with sperm in a laboratory. The fertilised egg, called an embryo, is then returned to the woman’s womb to grow and develop.

It can be carried out using your eggs and your partner’s sperm, or eggs and sperm from donors.

What is ICSI?

This is called intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI and is usually offered to patients when the sperm is outside of what is considered normal parameters. Each egg is injected individually with a single healthy sperm.

Do you have an IUI plan?

No, our plans are only compatible with IVF or ICSI cycles.

Do your plans include Blastocyst culture?

Blastocyst culture is a technique in the lab where they culture the embryos to develop them to day 5, they are then known as blastocyst embryos. The embryologists will culture your embryos to blastocyst stage if they can as these embryos often have a better chance of success. Often clinics charge you a lot more for this, but it is included in this plan.

I need PGT-A testing, does my Assured Fertility plan cover this?

The cost of PGT-A is not covered fee and the clinic would invoice you directly. You would however require a freeze all, so the additional top up fee would be applied on top of your plan cost.

I need an Embryo freeze all, is this included?

If you require a freeze all, you will have to pay a top up fee of £350 per cycle so £700 on our two cycle plans and £1050 on our three cycle plan.

If I have a freeze all but I achieve a live birth on my first cycle, will you refund £350?

If you do not utilise your second or third cycle (if on a three cycle product), you would be due a refund of the freeze all fee for the cycles you have not utilised.

If my egg collection has to get cancelled, what do I do? Do I forfeit a cycle, or can I pay a cancellation fee to protect my plan?

If your cycle is cancelled prior to egg collection, you would pay the clinic directly for any associated cancellation fees. These are usually calculated by the amount of monitoring scans / blood tests you have undertaken up until that point in time. The clinic will be best placed to advise on these.

Can I pay for my plan by credit card?

Yes, we except all credit card payments excluding American Express/AMEX.

I have frozen embryos in storage already, can I use these under an Assured Fertility Plan?

No, you wouldn’t be able to utilise frozen embryos you have stored already, if suitable these would need to utilised before starting an Assured Fertility plan.

I’ve had screening done before. My tests results were done last year are they still valid?

We always advise you to request any results from your previous clinic before attending a consultation at a new clinic. If your results are in date, the clinic will be happy to accept these. One test that clinics do usually like to repeat themselves, irrelevant of when it was last performed is a baseline scan.

What do you count as a success?

When a patient has achieved a live birth.

What is the success rate for my age group?

We recommend you visiting the HFEA  (the fertility governing body in the UK) website at to obtain the most up to date statistics for the clinic of your choice.

What happens if I want withdraw from my multi cycle plan?

If you decided to withdraw from the plan, after you had started treatment, you may be due a partial refund which would be calculated by taking your plan fee and deducting the retail cost of treatment you have received up until that point in time and our administration fee.

If I achieve a live birth on my first cycle, can I use my second cycle at a later date?

Once a live birth has been achieved, there is no further treatment available on your plan. Your plan would be complete. Should you wish further treatment, please do contact us as we may be able to offer you a further plan.

Can I have twins?

Clinics in the UK follow NICE guidelines which state that where possible, if good quality embryos are available, they will be transferred singularly. The UK is trying to reduce multiple birth rates so clinics will not advocate multiple births. However, in same cases, the clinician may decide to do a multiple embryo transfer. This is something you will discuss with your consultant / embryologist.

What is the process for your egg donation 100% refund plan? Can we see the donors that are available before committing?

Firstly, we would require for you and your partner (if applicable) to complete and return our medical questionnaire so we can review whether you might be suitable for our refund plan. Once you have submitted your questionnaires and we have assessed that you may be a candidate for the plan, we will send over a copy of our paperwork for you to review and sign. Once you have signed the paperwork, we would organise a scan to be performed to check your uterus and endometrial lining. Based on the results of these and your questionnaire, our consultants will decide whether we can accept you onto the plan. At this point we will require payment in full on the plan. Once we have received payment, you would then start the donor matching process. Unfortunately, you would not be matched to a donor prior to committing to the plan. The process for our UK and Cyprus plans is slightly different so please liaise with our team to see which plan may suit you best.

How long does the donor matching take?

For UK donor treatment with us, donor matching can take anywhere between 3 to 12 months. Your donor coordinator will be able to give you a better idea of exact timings once they have taken you through the matching process.

Does the 100% Egg Donation plan include flights and accommodation to Cyprus?

Flights and accommodation are not included in the plan as not everyone has the same requirements for travel arrangements. The clinic in Cyprus are extremely helpful though and can certainly make recommendations based on your needs.

Why are donors anonymous in Cyprus but they aren’t in the UK?

Due to a law change in 2005 in the UK, donors are no longer anonymous and can be traced once any resultant child turns 18. In Cyprus, donors are 100% anonymous and will never be able to be traced. This is the law in Cyprus.

  • IVF cycle, including: all virology and other tests, all medication, scans, consulting/visits, HFEA fee, Cycle Monitoring and preparation (Hormone Injections), Oocyte Retrieval (egg harvesting), IVF Laboratory Services (insemination) including if necessary intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), embryoscope. Freezing of embryos for one year. First embryo transfer, including medication and HFEA fee. Pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) if deemed clinically beneficial.
  • Up to 3 embryo transfers (assuming that Suitable Embryos are available) including medication and HFEA fee
  • Freezing and storage of remaining embryos for up to one year
  • Medication as required up to your viability scan at approximately 6 weeks of pregnancy
  • Donor cycle, including: Cycle Monitoring and preparation (Hormone Injections), Oocyte Retrieval (egg harvesting), IVF Laboratory Services (insemination), and if necessary, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
  • Recipient – donor matching, coordination of treatment dates, treatment plan, organisation of drugs and prescriptions, ultrasound monitoring x 2, communication with clinic/coordinator, follow up appointments/scan, administration
  • Up to 3 embryo transfers including medication
  • Freezing and storage of remaining embryos for up to one year
  • Medication as required up to your viability scan at approximately 6 weeks of pregnancy
  • IVF cycle, including: all virology and other tests, all medication, scans, consulting/visits, HFEA fee, Cycle Monitoring and preparation (Hormone Injections), Oocyte Retrieval (egg harvesting), IVF Laboratory Services (insemination) including if necessary intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), embryoscope. Freezing of embryos for one year. First embryo transfer, including medication and HFEA fee.
  • Up to 3 embryo transfers (assuming that Suitable Embryos are available) including medication and HFEA fee
  • Freezing and storage of remaining embryos for up to one year
  • If required
    • Donor cycle, including: Cycle Monitoring and preparation (Hormone Injections), Oocyte Retrieval (egg harvesting), IVF Laboratory Services (insemination), and if necessary, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
    • Recipient – donor matching, coordination of treatment dates, treatment plan, organisation of drugs and prescriptions, ultrasound monitoring x 2, communication with clinic/coordinator, follow up appointments/scan, administration
    • Up to 3 embryo transfers including medication
    • Freezing and storage of remaining embryos for up to one year
  • Medication as required up to your viability scan at approximately 6 weeks of pregnancy

We have included everything in our refund plans which we believe is normally required for IVF treatment. There are some treatments and tests which are not included but on occasions may be required by a clinic or requested by yourself. Examples of these would be karyotyping, endometrial scratch or hysteroscopy.

In order to be considered for our 100% refund plans, we firstly require for you to complete a medical and fertility questionnaire. Once this questionnaire has been reviewed by our team, if OK to proceed, we would then send over a patient contract for your consideration. Once you are happy and have signed the contract, we would then organise for you to attend for some baseline screening tests. Based on the results of these tests and your completed questionnaires, our consultant(s) will make a decision as to whether we can offer you the plan. We will cover the expense of the screening tests or if you may have had these performed recently, we can accept these results. If you are accepted and move ahead with the plan or we cannot accept you onto the plan, you would not be liable for any costs. We would only ask you to reimburse these costs if you are accepted onto the plan and decide not to go ahead.

So as part of the process, we ask yourself and your partner to complete medical questionnaires. These cover general medical information and also information regarding any IVF treatment you have had before. We may also request other information from you during the process. It is important that:

a) you fully disclose all relevant information and;

b) the information you supply is complete and accurate.

The 100% refund guarantee in your plan may be affected if you have not done so.

In our multi cycle plan, medication, consultations and related tests are not included.  There are also some treatments and tests which are not included but on occasions may be required by a clinic or requested by yourself. Examples of these would be karyotyping, endometrial scratch or hysteroscopy.

Please note that if you succeed and achieve a live birth at any point, your plan is complete, and no further treatment will be available

Acceptance criteria

We are happy to accept you onto our multi cycle plan as long as the clinic are happy for you to undertake it. Once you have signed the patient contract, we will contact the clinic for their decision on your acceptance. If the clinic are unhappy for you to undertake the multi cycle plan, they will be able to explain their decision to you.

Occasionally, patients may be required to undertake additional tests or procedures either before or during the treatment, for example a hysteroscopy or endometrial biopsy.

The costs for such tests or procedures are not covered by the Assured Plan.