What is IVF? (and other IVF acronyms)
It can seem like when you’re trying to conceive you need to learn a whole new language! So many acronyms are used by clinics and forums that it’s easy to get confused. Don’t worry – help is at hand with our simple guide:
Please note – these are just general descriptions and should not be taken as medical advice – please ask your consultant or clinic for advice.
What is AF? – Aunt Flow (a term used on forums which means your monthly menstrual period)
What is AFC – Antral Follicle Count (your antral follicle count is the number of follicles on your ovaries, this helps clinicians to assess your ovarian reserve and the level of stimulation you might need during fertility treatment)
What is AMH?– Anti Mullerian Hormone (your Anti Mullerian Hormone level is assessed via a blood test and is used to help clinicians to assess your ovarian reserve)
What is BFN?– Big Fat Negative (a term used on forums to describe a negative pregnancy test result)
What is BFP?– Big Fat Positive (a term used on forums to describe a positive pregnancy test result)
What is BMI?– Body Mass Index (a measure that uses your weight and height)
What is C#? – Cycle Number (a term used on forums to indicate the cycle number you are currently undertaking. A cycle of treatment is normally inclusive of your egg collection and first embryo transfer)
What are CD56#? – Natural Killer Cells (Natural Killer Cells can be assessed by both a blood test and an endometrial biopsy. This is a test that a consultant may recommend if you have suffered recurrent miscarriages or recurrent implantation failure)
What is CRL? – Crown Rump Length (this describes the measurement of a foetus and is used to work out the estimated duration of a pregnancy)
What is D & C? – Dilatation & Curettage (this describes a procedure used to remove tissue from inside your uterus)
What is D & E? – Dilatation & Evacuation (this describes one of the procedures available to perform a second trimester abortion and is done to completely remove all of the tissue inside the uterus)
What is DE? – Donor Egg (a donor egg is an egg that is donated for use by another woman during fertility treatment)
What is DET? – Double Embryo Transfer (if you have a double embryo transfer during fertility treatment, you would have two embryos transferred)
What is DHAC? – Doesn’t / Don’t have a clue (a term used on forums to explain that you don’t know / they don’t know what is going on)
What is DI?- Donor Insemination (this describes the use of a donor’s sperm that is placed into a female’s cervix or uterine cavity for the purpose of achieving a pregnancy – this is done without the use of sexual intercourse)
What is DITD? – Down in the Dumps (a term used on forums to explain feeling low)
What is DP3DT? – Days Post 3 Day Transfer (this describes the period after your day 3 embryo transfer when you are awaiting taking your pregnancy test)
What is DP5DT? – Days Post 5 Day Transfer (this describes the period after your day 5 embryo transfer when you are awaiting taking your pregnancy test)
What is DPO? – Days Post Ovulation (this describes how many days past your ovulation date you are)
What is DPR? – Days Post Retrieval (this describes how many days past egg collection you are, prior to have a transfer)
What is DPT? – Days Post Transfer (this describes how many days post your embryo transfer you are)
What is DW / DH? – Dear Wife / Dear Husband (a term used on forums to describe your wife or husband)
What is EDD? – Estimated Due Date (your estimated due date is the date given to when your baby is expected to be born)
What is Endo? – Endometriosis (endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb starts to grow in other places outside of the womb, such as in the ovaries and fallopian tubes)
What is ET? – Embryo Transfer (an embryo transfer is where a clinician places a suitable embryo into a woman’s womb in the hope of achieving a pregnancy)
What is FET? – Frozen Embryo Transfer (a frozen embryo transfer describes the transfer of an embryo that has been frozen at an earlier date and thawed the morning of transfer, the clinician places this embryo into a woman’s womb in the hope of achieving a pregnancy)
What is FSH? – Follicle Stimulating Hormone (your follicle stimulating hormone level is assessed via a blood test and this hormone stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles in the ovary before the release of an egg form one follicle at ovulation. It also increases the production of oestradiol)
What is GnRH? – Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (this hormone stimulates the pituitary gland to produce FSH)
Who is the HFEA? – Human Fertilisation & Embryology Act (The HFEA govern all fertility clinics in the UK and are responsible for making sure that clinics comply to the regulations)
What is HPT? – Home Pregnancy Test (this describes a pregnancy test that you undertake at home utilising a urine sample)
What is HSC? – Hysteroscopy (this procedure is utilised to examine the inside of the womb)
What is HTH? – Hope this helps (a term used on forums)
What is HyCoSy? – Hysterosalpingo Contrast Sonography (this is utilised by clinicians to investigate the fallopian tubes)
What is IC? – Internet Cheapie (a term used on forums to describe a cheap pregnancy test purchased online)
What is ICSI? – Intracytoplasmic Injection (ICSI is a technique which embryologists use in which a single sperm is injected into the centre of an egg. ICSI is the most common treatment for reduced male fertility)
What is IF? – Infertility (infertility describes when a couple struggles to conceive)
What is IIRC ?– If I Recall / Remember Correctly (a phrase used on forums to say if I recall / remember correctly)
What are IM Injections? – Intramuscular injections (this is an injection directly into the muscle)
What is IMO? – In my opinion (a phrase used on forums)
What is IMSI? – Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI is a laboratory technique used in fertility treatments, it is an advanced version of ICSI where embryologists inject high quality sperm into the egg to help fertilisation)
What is IUI? – Intrauterine Insemination (IUI or artificial insemination is a type of fertility treatment which involves placing the sperm inside a woman’s uterus and is used to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes to help with fertilisation.
What is IVF? – In Vitro Fertilisation. IVF is a type of fertility treatment where fertilisation takes place outside of the body, eggs are removed from the woman’s ovaries and fertilised in a laboratory. The fertilised egg (embryos) is then transferred to the woman’s womb on day 2, 3 or 5 of development to hopefully continue to grow and develop.
What is a LAP? – Laparoscopy (this is a surgical procedure that allows surgeons to access the inside of the abdomen and pelvic and is also known and a minimally invasive surgery)
What is LH? – Luteinising Hormone (your luteinising hormone level is assessed via a blood test and this hormone stimulates ovulation)
What is LMK? – Let me know (a phrase used on forums)
What is LMP? – Last Menstrual Period (LMP is a term used to describe your last monthly period)
What is a MC? – Miscarriage (a miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy during the first 23 weeks)
MF – Male Factor (this term refers to male factor infertility so referring to the sperm)
MIL – Mother in law (FIL, SIL, BIL etc.) (a term used on forums to shorten mother in law, sister in law etc.)
What is NGS? – Next Generation Sequencing (NGS is a tool used to select more reliably which embryos are most likely to implant and produce healthy babies)
What is OH? – Other Half (a term used on forums to shorten other half)
What is OHSS? – Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS is a complication that can occur during fertility treatment where your ovaries overstimulate and become swollen and painful. It is caused by the medication used during fertility treatment)
What is P4? – Progesterone (your progesterone is assessed via a blood test and this hormone helps prepare your body for conception and pregnancy and regulates the monthly menstrual cycle)
What is PESA? – Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA is a form of surgical sperm extraction and involves a fine syringe being inserted into either the epididymis or the testicle to extract the sperm)
What is PGS? – Pre-Genetic Screening (PGS is the genetic profiling of embryos and is a tool used in order to check embryos are genetically normal prior to transferring them)
POAS – Pee on a stick (a term used on forums to describe taking a pregnancy test)
What is PCOS? – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS is a common condition that affects how women’s ovaries work)
What is PID? – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID is an infection of the upper part of the female reproductive system, specifically the fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus and the inside of the pelvis)
What is POF? – Premature Ovarian Failure (can also be referred to as primary ovarian insufficiency or early menopause and happens when a woman’s periods stop before the age of 45. It can happen naturally or as a side effect of some treatments)
What is PV? – Positive Vibes (an abbreviation used in forums to indicate to a person that they are sending positive thoughts or feeling positive about something)
What is SA? – Semen Analysis (a SA is a test perform on a sperm sample to check the quality of the sperm. The clinician will be looking at count, motility and morphology of the sperm)
SET – Single Embryo Transfer (if you have a single embryo transfer during fertility treatment, you would have one embryo transferred and in the UK this is the recommended protocol if there are good quality blastocysts available for transfer)
SO – Significant Other (an abbreviation used in forums to mention your partner)
What is TESA? – Testicular Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (a form of surgical sperm extraction and involves a fine syringe being inserted into either the epididymis or the testicle to extract the sperm)
TTC – Trying to Conceive (an abbreviation used in forums to explain they are trying for a pregnancy)
TTCAR – Trying to Conceive after Reversal (an abbreviation used in forums to explain they are trying for a pregnancy after a vasectomy reversal)
What is a TVUS test? – Transvaginal Ultrasound (a transvaginal ultrasound is a scan done to look at the follicles on the ovaries, the endometrium and the morphology of the uterus. They are commonly used throughout fertility treatment)
What is US? – Ultrasound (an ultrasound is a scan done throughout fertility treatment)
WWW – Wise Women of the Web (a phrase used on forums in asking for advice from the other women in the forum)
2WW – Two Week Wait (the time between having an embryo transfer and doing a pregnancy test is often referred to the two week wait as this is the usual time given by your clinic to you before you would see a positive result)