Here at Assured Fertility we are delighted to be able to share with you the results from our latest patient survey about fertility treatment. Quite a few interesting comments popped up from the many responses we received.

See what you think and whether you fall into any of the categories we were keen to hear answers on, such as the average age of women who receive fertility treatment, and how long couples usually try to conceive before seeking medical treatment either via the NHS or a specialist company such as ourselves.

More than half of women spend 12 months looking for right clinic

It really didn’t surprise us to learn that as many as 58 per cent of women said they had spent more than a year researching individual fertility clinics before deciding to have their treatment through an Assured Plan. Having a child via fertility treatment is such an important part of a woman’s life and so the decision and research understandably takes some time.

Most women get their information via Google

Of those embarking on fertility research, 75 per cent got their information mainly from the search engine Google (rather than from a GP surgery, magazines or even a friend or relative).

It made sense then for us to learn that approximately 69 per cent of those who came to see us to find out more about the services we offer – including our special money back guarantee – had already spoken with various fertility clinics. A total of 30 per cent however, came directly to our door, without contacting a clinic.

At Assured Fertility if you don’t have a baby, then you don’t pay

Of those who came to Assured Fertility, 40 per cent did so because of our guarantee that if you didn’t have a baby, we would return your money. They said that was because we were obviously very confident about our services.

Other reasons to come to us was our easy-to-manage payment plans and the fact that there were no hidden extras added to the bill as treatment progressed (even the medication is included in the cost, which isn’t the case with some other providers).

Meanwhile, of those who do come to see us, a heartbreakingly high rate – 63 per cent – have been trying to conceive a child for two years or longer, according to the survey. We would like to reduce this time and support you on your journey to start your family as soon as possible.

For more information about the options open to single women, couples and same-sex couples interested in conceiving via fertility treatments, call us today on 0333 234 0895. Our expert team are here and ready to support you with your answers and working out the best way forward for you


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